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反馈内容: Good evening people at zhibao365.com, Hope you_re great. I'm , I hope you liked the joke in the subject and that business is profitable and you_ve been succeeding throughout the current situation. As I_ve had contact with you long time ago in the past, I believe that your website is just not protected from unwanted messages, we suggest you preventing this, I mean literally. http://fund.school/antispam42731 Give it a look as they have blackfriday deals now In case you are not interested, just erase this message so we won't contact you again. Kind regards,
留言者: Santos Affleck 留言时间: 2020/12/1
管理员回复: ["等待管理员回复"]
反馈内容: My name_s Eric and I just came across your website - zhibao365.com - in the search results. Here_s what that means to me_ Your SEO_s working. You_re getting eyeballs _ mine at least. Your content_s pretty good, wouldn_t change a thing. BUT_ Eyeballs don_t pay the bills. CUSTOMERS do. And studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors to a site like zhibao365.com will drop by, take a gander, and then head for the hills without doing anything else. It_s like they never were even there. You can fix this. You can make it super-simple for them to raise their hand, say, _okay, let_s talk_ without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket_ thanks to Talk With Web Visitor. Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor_s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know immediately _ so you can talk to that lead immediately_ without delay_ BEFORE they head for those hills. CLICK HERE http://www.talkwithcustomer.com to try out a Live Demo with Talk With Web Visitor now to see exactly how it works. Now it_s also true that when reaching out to hot leads, you MUST act fast _ the difference between contacting someone within 5 minutes versus 30 minutes later is huge _ like 100 times better! That_s what makes our new SMS Text With Lead feature so powerful_ you_ve got their phone number, so now you can start a text message (SMS) conversation with them_ so even if they don_t take you up on your offer right away, you continue to text them new offers, new content, and new reasons to do business with you. This could change everything for you and your business. CLICK HERE http://www.talkwithcustomer.com to learn more about everything Talk With Web Visitor can do and start turing eyeballs into money. Eric PS: Talk With Web Visitor offers a FREE 14 days trial _ you could be converting up to 100x more leads immediately! It even includes International Long Distance Calling. Paying customers are out there waiting. Starting connecting today by CLICKING HERE http://www.talkwithcustomer.com to try Talk With Web Visitor now. If you'd like to unsubscribe click here http://talkwithcustomer.com/unsubscribe.aspx?d=zhibao365.com
留言者: Eric Jones 留言时间: 2020/11/29
管理员回复: ["等待管理员回复"]
反馈内容: Hi, We're wondering if you've ever considered taking the content from zhibao365.com and converting it into videos to promote on Youtube? You simply add the text and it converts it into scenes that make up a full video. No special skills are needed, and there's access to over 1 million images/clips that can be used. You can read more about the software here: https://www.vidnami.com/c/Mathew2020-vn-freetrial Kind Regards, Lonna
留言者: Lonna Silas 留言时间: 2020/11/28
管理员回复: ["等待管理员回复"]
反馈内容: Your website/domain: WWW.zhibao365.com This notice below ENDS ON: Nov 26, 2020!. We have actually not gotten a payment from you. We've attempted to email you however were incapable to reach you. Please Check Out: https://cutt.ly/LhdLCM0 For info and to post a optional payment for domain services. 11262020191124
留言者: Glinda Simon 留言时间: 2020/11/27
管理员回复: ["等待管理员回复"]
反馈内容: Hi, I_m an IT specialist from https://b2bworld.store/captcha/. I see that your site might not have efficient protection from unwanted messages. On our website, you may find an anti-spam filter for your site. I hope you'll find it useful. I will be glad to answer any of your questions. You can contact me using the contact details below.
留言者: Leah Leroy 留言时间: 2020/11/22
管理员回复: ["等待管理员回复"]
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